Our Physical Location may be found using either of these addresses:
81 D819 Str, Hillcrest, 3650
81 Nguni Way, Waterfall, 3652
GPS Co-ordinate: S 29 degrees … 44′ … 43.83″ E 30 degrees … 48′ … 08.28″
Coming from Durban, take the N3 for Pietermaritzburg.
Glide off onto the M13 to go via Pinetown.
Pass Exit Number 28, for Hillcrest, and take the very next Exit 31.
Turn Right over the bridge.
Go to the top of the hill and turn Left into Hospital Road.
Continue through several traffic lights until you come to Waterfall.
At the second traffic light, turn left into Brackenhill Road.
Continue until you reach the stop sign.
Turn left and proceed for 300m.
Turn left into Nguni Way.
Number 81 is at the end of the tar.
Follow the sign to SUNBURY KENNEL.
Coming from Pietermaritzburg, keep on the N3 past the Hammarsdale exit and continue to the top of Key Ridge.
Once over the top, glide off to the Left, onto the M13 that goes via Pinetown, thus avoiding the N3 Toll road.
Take Exit 31 after Shongweni, for Hillcrest, and Turn Right.
Go to the top of the hill and turn Left in Hospital Road.
Continue through several traffic lights until you come to Waterfall.
At the second traffic light, turn left into Brackenhill Road.
Continue until you reach the stop sign.
Turn left and proceed for 300m.
Turn left into Nguni Way.
Number 81 is at the end of the tar.
Follow the sign to SUNBURY KENNEL.
If you know the way to the Kloof Nature Reserve picnic spot ….
Continue on through Bridle Road until you come to the Tee junction.
Turn left and continue along Link Road until the Traffic Lights (on Inanda Road)
Go straight over into Brackenhill Road and proceed to the stop sign.
Turn left and proceed for 300m.
Turn left into Nguni Way.
Number 81 is at the end of the tar.
Follow the sign to SUNBURY KENNEL.