‘Sunbury’ was first registered as a Kennel name in 1976. Long before then, Lynne Milne began her love affair with the German Shepherd. In fact it all started in 1955. This was the beginning of her long association with dogs and she has been actively showing, training and competing with her dogs ever since.
Lynne received her first German Shepherd, as a present from her Father in 1955. She named him ‘Husky’ and joined the Durban & District Kennel Club training sessions that were held on the Queensmead Soccer grounds in Umbilo. In 1956, as a founder member, she joined the Natal Alsatian Club, as it was then known. The club later corrected its name to Natal German Shepherd Dog Club and Lynne is an Honorary Life Member. She is also a Licenced Obedience Judge who’s first appointment was in 1964.
Lynne is internationally recognized as a breeder of German Shepherd Dogs, with some of her breeding reaching Australia, Germany, Italy, South America, Swaziland, the UK, United States, and many parts of South Africa. She has actively played a part in the introduction of breeding controls for registered German Shepherds in South Africa. These controls were introduced for the purpose of improving both the conformation and temperament of the breed. Working toward a German Shepherd that is “Sound in mind and body”, Lynne believes in combining the best of conformation and working lines. She has imported several dogs from Germany who are specifically of sheep herding stock.
Lynne has dedicated her life to the German Shepherd Dog. She has studied their construction and behavior for over sixty years. She has actively developed and embraced new training methods and continues to keep abreast of the latest ideas and innovations. In addition, she has used her dogs in demonstrations for Charity, as well as for Pet Assisted Therapy, in Homes for the aged and in Hospitals. If you would like to learn more about German Shepherd dogs, their breeding, training or showing, or find out about puppies that she may have available, please feel free to contact her by email. Lynne would be more than willing to answer your questions and perhaps advise you. eMail address: sunburygsd@icloud.com
History of the German Shepherd Dog Name

People often ask what is the difference between an Alsatian and a German Shepherd Dog. The truth is, there is no difference.
The original name was “Deutsche Schäferhund” and a direct translation is, therefore “German Shepherd Dog”. However, when the first specimens of the breed were brought to England, immediately after WW1, the anti-German feeling precluded public acceptance.
It was agreed that a new name was needed and, since the first puppies came from Alsace, a Province in France, on the border of Germany, the name Alsatian was coined. Without the German connotation, the breed soon became popular. . .
On the lighter side, an Alsatian is a Frenchman – from the province of Alsace!